Which divorce process is right for you and your spouse?

Man and woman sitting in front of divorce papers with wedding rings sitting on top of divorce papers

As a counselor and divorce coach, I’ve guided countless couples through one of life’s most challenging family transitions – divorce or separation. When children are involved, I strongly encourage parents to consider collaborative divorce or mediation, both consensual dispute resolution processes. These approaches typically result in less emotional trauma and can support parents in developing…

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Protesting When Your Marriage Ends – Beware!

The decision to divorce is often arrived at only after many months, years, or decades of struggling to make a marriage work. Whether you are leaning out, or holding onto the marriage, when divorce becomes the path forward, the dynamics of your marital relationship will change dramatically. When your spouse wants out, and you are…

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How to Advocate for Yourself During a Divorce

Woman taking off wedding ring

As a skilled mediator, divorce coach, and co-parenting counselor, I often witness the emotional turmoil that accompanies divorce. Advocating for yourself and children during this time is crucial, regardless of your background or circumstances. I often share with my clients how important advocating is when you are going through the divorce process, and here are a few suggestions…

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When Your Co-Parent Wants to Change the Parenting Schedule Frequently 

Looking at schedule on ipad

One common challenge that many divorced parents face is dealing with a co-parent who wants to change the parenting schedule frequently. It can be frustrating and unsettling for everyone involved and is often the first clue the co-parenting agreement may need to be updated. When you are considering a co-parenting update that keeps you out…

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Understanding Discernment Counseling: A Path to Clarity and Resolution

Life is full of uncertainties and challenges, especially when it comes to making important decisions about our relationships. Whether it be contemplating the future of a troubled marriage, considering separation or divorce, or simply feeling confused about the best course of action, discernment counseling can offer valuable guidance and support. In this blog post, we…

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“My Child Refuses To See Me After Our Divorce”

Child Refuses to see me

During and after divorce, and often leading up to it, the family system is stressed. Parents and children cope with this stress in many different ways, some adaptive and others very dysfunctional. If your child is resisting or refusing to spend time with you, it is not only heartbreaking, but also confusing. Legal and mental…

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Who, When, What: 3 Tips for Telling Children About Divorce

Telling children about divorce

The day parents talk to their children about their separation will be a day pressed into the memory of most kids.  Most remember vividly where they were in the room, the words that were used, and who was present. That’s why it’s really important to think hard about what you’re going to tell them and…

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Are You Ready To Leave Your Marriage?

Marriage and divorce

It’s one of the most gut-wrenching decisions that any conscientious adult comes up against – deciding whether to leave your marriage. When marriages suffer, most people twist and turn on this decision for years, painfully sliding up and down the scale of indecision, self-doubt, and ambivalence. Thing is, there is no sure-fire mechanism, or assessment,…

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