Divorce Without Court (DWC)
What is DWC? We are a company that offers mindful employers a benefits package that connects their employees and their spouses with professionals who help guide them when divorce is imminent. Using technology, proven consensual dispute resolution models, and a network of highly skilled and licensed divorce professionals, DWC matches you to the right care for your needs, including Divorce Navigator, Divorce Coach, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, and Child Specialist. These professionals will make your journey into restructuring your family one that honors your family, teaches you how to start the process, and how to avoid the high costs of litigation in divorce.
What types of issues can DWC help clients solve?
For Employers – DWC can help keep your employees from the high stress of divorce, lowering the costs of employee disengagement and sick time.
Why is this important?
Your business needs all hands on deck every day. Divorce is number two on the adult stress scale, following only death of a spouse. This affects people during the first year of divorce stronger than any other time. Calls with lawyers, friends, and family are a distraction during the initial stages of divorce, when confusion is at its most intense.
For Parents – DWC can help minimize the negative impact of divorce on children, guiding you to make better choices as you separate into two homes. DWC also can offer you cost-effective services designed to give you much-needed information to choose and navigate the divorce process best for you.
Will my employer know if I use DWC?
Your confidentiality is protected by our licensed professionals, and by DWC. We adhere to the strictest level of privacy with our clients. How long does it take to get connected with a DWC professional? We offer an online assessment to fully understand your needs, where you and your family are in the process of separating. We take the assessment, determine the best possible professionals in our network, and send you their contact information within two business days.