Co-Parenting Tips During Divorce

Co-Parenting and Divorce

Let’s talk about the hardest part of divorce – co-parenting. Sure, divorce can rain chaos in many other areas of your life, dividing bank accounts, muddling friendships, sucking focus and attention, and pummeling your confidence.  After the divorce, you can make more money, find better friends, get more rest, hit the gym or yoga mat,…

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BEST Future For Women After Divorce

Women after divorce

When you’re getting divorced, you are faced with a major change, and you have a choice to make. It’s about how you are going to show up. How will you show up for your divorce? This decision will have a shadow effect on how you show up for your job, your kids, your friends and…

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How to be a Co-Parent After Your Divorce

Co-Parent after divorce

Divorce is one of the most stressful life events. If a couple has children, they will have lifelong contact because of events in the children’s lives even when they are grown. With some guidance, you and your ex can learn co-parenting skills that will improve the emotional future of you and your children. Consider Current Family…

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Six Common Parenting Mistakes in Divorce


Divorce brings up all sorts of difficult and emotional issues.  Parents who are going through a divorce need to be sure that they are guiding their children through the divorce in a way that is appropriate to their age.  Here are six mistakes that parents often make during a divorce. 1. Not Giving Children a…

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Monica had been married to her husband for 13 years.  They have 3 wonderful children, all boys, ages 12, 9, and 7. Monica had been unhappy in her marriage for about the last 7 years.  Rather than communicate effectively with her spouse, she has spent hours, even years, blaming herself for her discontentment. Though Monica…

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Mike and Alyssa

Mike and Alyssa have 3 young boys, 6, 4, and 2 year olds.  Married for 7 years, they got pregnant on their honeymoon.  Mike and Alyssa realized that they had some serious differences in communication styles, and approaches to life.  These differences soon created a gulf between them, and after a year of therapy, Alyssa…

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Sandra is a successful professional woman who married in her early 20’s, just out of undergrad studies.  She then went on to get her MBA, while working full time for a financial firm, and starting her family.  After 11 years, and two beautiful daughters together, Sandra describes her marriage as “loveless”. Sandra is a high…

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